Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hang on, this could get bumpy.

God will give you so much more than you can handle.  But never more than He can handle!  God will lead you into some frightfully scary places.  But he's leading you by the hand!  He's there!  He's got you!  This is designed!  Not random!  Not the whimsical hand of capricious, flighty fate but the awesome power and design of God who chose you and created you to bear his glory!  And his glory is manifested not in perfect people living perfectly.  Not in the American dream.  Not in keeping you safe from all harm.  Those who are going into captivity, into captivity they shall go.  Those who are going to be killed with the sword, will be killed.  This calls for the patient endurance of the saints.  For God's glory is manifested in sinners repenting!  In sinners falling on their knees before the only God of salvation!  Sinners knowing that unless God loves them and saves them and forgives and forgets all their sins, they are hopelessly lost!

"But now thus says Yahweh,
he who created you, Jacob,
    and he who formed you, Israel:
“You must not fear, for I have redeemed you.
    I have called you by your name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you,
    and through the rivers, they shall not flow over you.
When you walk through fire, you shall not be burned,
    and the flame shall not scorch you.
For I am Yahweh, your God,
    the holy one of Israel, your savior.
I give you Egypt as ransom,
    Cush and Seba in place of you.
Because you are precious in my eyes,
    you are honored, and I myself love you,
and I give people in place of you,
    and nations in place of your life.
You must not fear,
    for I am with you."
Is 43

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