Saturday, July 17, 2021

a public service announcement

 Don't know if this applies to the four or five of you who read this blog or if you're already getting notices about it, but it seems that if you get my blog by email, that service is going away.  i'll still be here.  Still be updating with my usual sporadic spitball manner but there will be no automatic email of said spitballs to you.  Sorry, talk to the lords of the interwebz.  i have no control over it.

thanks y'all,


Friday, July 16, 2021

All of this


i cannot stand 

 all of this 

i prayed that You would change

 all of this

i wept bitter tears over

all of this

i searched the Scriptures for the cause of

 all of this

i wanted to end

 all of this

i railed against

 all of this

i loathed

 all of this

i prayed that You would change

 all of this

i repented of

 all of this

i grudgingly accepted

 all of this

i learned to live with

 all of this

i saw the good in

 all of this

i saw You in

 all of this

i saw You working in

 all of this

i thank you for

 all of this

i see You changing

 some of this

i see You changing

 all of me.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Enter into the rest of your master

 In Matthew 24 Jesus tells his disciples what's going to happen, big, distressful things.  We often think we would be better off knowing the future, until we do.  Immediately though, Jesus seeks to allay their fears and anxiety in Matthew 25 by telling them, and us, what we should do in the meantime, in light of these coming cataclysms, wars, rulers and happenings.  i'm a guy who needs things simple.  i cannot keep but one complex command in my head for long enough to execute it and then give me the next one.  Jesus loves me, he seems to know that about me.  Matthew 25 boils down to three simple comparisons between those in covenant with Him and those who are not but act like they are.

1. There are virgins who are prepared for a long wait, and those who are not.

2. There are servants who love their master and show it by working for his wealth and fame, and one who does not.

3. There are sheep who love one another and generously give to those in need, and goats who do not.

There's obviously so much more we could say about this but there's also great value in looking and meditating on it in its most distilled form: Be prepared to wait a while.  Love God actively.  Love neighbor actively.

When you put it that way, it doesn't sound so tough, does it.