Saturday, January 16, 2021

Proverbs 1

 So my uncle invited a bunch of our family to read through Proverbs, one chapter per day, this month to begin this year seeking wisdom and then share our thoughts on our clan facebook page (i have a LARGE family).  And since it got me writing again, for the first time in far too long, i thought i'd share my reflections over here in the Coop.  As always, if it blesses you, glorify God, if it does not, feel free to pitch it.

Prov 1:
What struck me this time is the completeness of this chapter. It's not like some of the book, a list, but a tale. It is the story of the Bible in wisdom form. Creation, Fall, Redemption, Re-Creation. The beginning is God and fear of God. Foolishness is the denial of Him. The terms are laid out. The middle is Foolishness played out. What it looks like to God. What its goal is. What its end will be. But then comes Wisdom personified. Even though we scorn her and refused her call, she poured her spirit out on us and "stretched out her hand"; she has done all. She has done more than she needed. She pursued us, even pleaded with us. But eventually the storm will come, calamity will come, death comes and when it does, it will be too late, the door of the Ark is shut, the gate of the Wedding Feast is closed and barred and those who refused the Fear of Yahweh only then see their mistake and those who "listened", heard and took to heart, will "rest securely."
It lays down the gridwork from which to view the rest of the book.

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