Sunday, August 11, 2013

i am god in a church of one

You cannot be born alone.  Chances are your mother was there, if not others.
Hopefully you were born into a family, but even if your mother abandoned you, you are still here so someone took care of you.  You were born into a group.  You were born under authority, someone to watch over and show you the way.  Regardless of how good a job they did, it was someone’s responsibility.
You went to school, even if it was at home, you had teachers, you were under authority, someone to watch over you and show you the way.  Regardless of how perfect they aren’t, it was someone’s responsibility.
It is virtually impossible to make a living apart from others.  Chances are, if you work, you work for someone, with someone, there are authorities, people to watch over you and show you the way.  Regardless of whether or not they are qualified, it is someone’s responsibility.
When you come to the end, you will need someone, someone with authority over you, to watch over you and show you the way.  Regardless of whether they do it in love or obligation, it is someone’s responsibility.

No where in our lives do we ever go it alone.  No one, anywhere is an authority unto themselves, we call those who think they are tyrants. 

No where in our lives are we ever under the authority of perfect people.  All of them make mistakes.  All of them do both good and bad, damage and help.

And yet, when it comes to God and faith, suddenly we think this occurs in a vacuum.  We are under no authority.  No one can teach us.  No one can show us the way.  No one is qualified, no one is loving, no one is good, no one is perfect enough.

Except us.