i originally wrote this post on January seventh....
Well, these words from yesterday's chapter six seem somewhat poignant after yesterday's events...
12 A worthless man, an evil man,
goes around with deceitful speech.
13 Winking in his eye, shuffling in his foot,
pointing in his fingers,
14 perversion in his heart, he devises evil;
at all times he will send out discord.
15 Upon such a man, suddenly shall his calamity come;
in a moment he will be damaged and there is no healing.
16 There are six things Yahweh hates,
and seven things are abominations of his soul:
17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a devising heart, plans of deception,
feet that hurry to run to evil,
19 a false witness who breathes lies
and sends out discord between brothers.
By the fruit, the outcome, desired or otherwise, a tree may be known. Jesus and those who follow him, his firstfruits, shall be known by their unity. Not uniformity, mind you, but like male and female, Jew and Gentile, slave and free, they shall be made of many different parts into a single Body, learning to work together by working out their single faith in love. The love that they have been shown. Not that Christians will never have disagreements, but that those disagreements never divide the Body of Christ. But those disagreements are arenas to practice humility and repentance and honoring the other more than one's self.
When the results of our actions lead to discord among brothers, we know we have been putting our faith in the wrong tree, listening to the words of the wrong woman of Proverbs. The one outlined again for us in chapter 7.
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