1st and 2nd Chronicles are held by scholars (do with that what you will) to have been written during the Babylonian exile. A people yanked from their homes and driven a thousand miles away and held as prisoners, refugees, resident aliens in a foreign empire who actively tried to breed, educate and legislate their culture out of them. You could say, Chronicles and many other books which were written down or recopied at that time were an answer to that pressure to conform. That pressure to assimilate. That pressure to synchronize with their neighbors and political overlords drove them to remember. It drove them to go back into their history to see two things:
God's marvelous, undeserved, graceful election of them as His own.
Their horrendous, rebellious, mistreatment of Him as His own.
In other words, how did we get here? As we look around 2020 and we see the undeniable growing pressure of a society that preaches tolerance while weaponizing intolerance, shaming and legislation against God's people and against the true God himself and His Word, we might do well to take Israel's nod and remember how we got here.
And when we do, there's a third thing we should see and remember...
God is still sovereign, still on the throne, and still working. A different King, a true King is coming...
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