The angel of Yahweh appeared a second time and touched him and said, “Get up, eat, for the journey is greater than you.” 1 Kings 19: 7
That could be my life verse. All of life has felt too great for me. Every decision. Every day. Every gosh. Darn. Day.
And it hasn’t gotten better as i’ve gotten older. The responsibilities have piled on with the consequences of all the decisions i did make along the way so that each morning feels like the day after the camel’s back broke and mercilessly, still, someone is beating him awake and telling him to get his lazy (buttocks) to work! i seek and relish moments where no one can ask me why i’m not doing something else. As i write this, i’m cooking dinner. i like to cook. Cooking was a love language in my dysfunctional family. To cook for someone is to love them. But i also like that its not questioned. What i make is often questioned! How i make it is picked apart careless of the care that was put into it. But no one asks why i’m doing it.
It’s not that i hate work. i don’t. i hate purposeless work. i hate meaningless work. i hate the idea of spending minutes, hours, days, a life, doing the wrong work. Of not living up to my potential. Of not doing what i was meant to do.
Of not hearing the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
And then comes the Lord of the Sabbath, the one who knows the purpose of all things. The Son of God who came from God to become the Servant of God so that we servants might become sons. The One who was greater than the journey gave us His body, his life, to eat; his good work and faithful obedience to take as our own, undeserved, unwarranted, unearned, without picking it apart, without complaint or question, without trying to add ingredients of our own, but just to sit, and gratefully enjoy because the journey and its demands are too great for us and all the work which need be done, is finished.
Tomorrow is Monday and i’ll have to, if i haven’t by then, decide what to do with it, what the world expects of me, what my God is doing and what i can join Him in, what work is good and what is meaningful, how i can use this life to bring glory to this God who would do this for me but today, today is the Sabbath.
Today i just rest in Him alone.
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