Monday, June 02, 2014

Let the oil of gladness flow down...

Brothers to dwell in unity.  The church.  Not a building.  Not an institution.  But a chosen race.  A particular, very peculiar people, called to be the body of Christ.  Not all the same.  Not all faking it until they make it.  Not tribes, standing up for their own rights and trampling each other.

But a community of disparate, very different people all laying down their rights and their lives to love one another.  Living with each other.  Caring for each other.  Forgiving each other.  Not because the other deserves it, but precisely because none of us deserve it...

And yet Christ, our anointed king and priest loves us so much, he laid aside Godhood, became a man, lived the life we should have lived, died the death we should have died and was raised as the firstborn of the dead to justify those who don't deserve it.  Us.

So because we are so loved, we love, God and his chosen children, our brothers and sisters and when we do, when the Spirit which is represented by the oil, lives in us and through us to do this, then we are like the anointing of our great high priest all over again.  People will see, people will ask and people will know it is all and only because of Jesus.

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