Monday, February 10, 2014

Thy Kingdom Come!

John saw the city of God coming down out of the heavens.  A new Jerusalem, the city of peace, a perfect cube, like the Holy of Holies, for the dwelling place of God is among men now.  No more temple, no more shadows, no more looking ahead.  God. Is. Here.  And He is everything to us, dwelling, food, light, love, purpose.  The old, the worn out, the partial, the shadow, the imperfect have passed away.  Not just gone, but forgotten.  Replaced by the new, the perfect, the holy, the right.

Jesus told us to learn the parable of the fig tree, that when we see the branch sprouting leaves, we know Summer is near.  We often think of the end times with dread.  The Tribulation.  Persecution.  The Beast.  Fear and trembling, stockpiling weapons and food.  Something to hide from.  But we are the light and salt of the world!  Our savior did not hide from the authorities, our forefathers in the faith did not resist.  They went to their deaths with praise on their lips and testified of the one who came and is coming again.  They went with joy knowing their Winter was over and Summer was coming!  The end is not the end, it is the beginning of the Eternal!  The second resurrection!  We who have died with Christ through baptism and raised with him in faith should anticipate it with joy!

i used to spend a lot of time in day cares.  i was often the last picked up.  The lights are being turned out, the teachers are leaving.  The chairs are being put on top of tables.  The other kids are gone.  The toys are put away.  It was a lonely time.  A winter.  The only thing to do was look for the one coming to get us.  To anxiously await our parent!  To bring us home!  Where we belong.

Jesus is coming!  The greatest party you never imagined is coming!

"And do this because you know the time, that it is already the hour for you to wake up from sleep.  For our salvation is nearer now than when we believed.  The night is far gone, the day has drawn near."  Rom 13

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