Wednesday, May 25, 2022


 Grace.  Unmerited favor.  Undeserved blessing.  You initiate the covenant with us.  The covenant.  i say it As if it was a thing that just existed and we all just fell into it, or a contract that you signed with us.  Instead it is the deepest form of relationship there is.  The most powerful form of intimacy possible.  And it started, it emanated, it begins in You.  For the Covenant is the expression of and essence of Who You Are.  You are love.  You bleed for us.  You ache for us.  You grieve over us even before we know you.  Even before we existed outside of your imagination.  You knew us and loved us.  You committed yourself to us.  So much so that you would become one of us, suffer as one of us, more than any of us, For you took the justice we deserved for breaking your covenant, breaking your heart, for dishonoring your majesty, dismissing your affection, rejecting your love, rejecting You. For love’s sake, you forsook yourself, to save your lambs, to fold us into your love, binding us to You eternally.  For what you love can never be lost.  What you love can never diminish.  What you love can never die.  We will go on and on, ever more filled with your love, ever more filled with You, Consummating, completing, never knowing lack yet always there is more, ever more, at last, able to love you.