Friday, January 24, 2020

What if...?

  • abortion is a symptom not the disease
  • Like a parent who becomes more concerned with their child’s moral behavior than reaching and teaching their heart, we risk losing both and become tyrants
  • God cares about our heart’s relationship with Him more than our body
  • In the flood, in Sodom, in Judges, God destroyed the children with those who sacrificed their children
  • God is at least, as much concerned with the hearts of those who would sacrifice their children to their own kingdoms as the lives of the children sacrificed
  • All this is getting us to focus on the body rather than the spirit
  • All this is actually making us unloving
  • The denial of abortion to unregenerate hearts is an existential issue to them
  • We, by being unloving and uncaring (in a sense) become the very reason they feel they must destroy the church
  • We by being focused on a physical/temporal issue (bodily death, even of something as heinous as infants) become easily manipulated by political forces who (appear) aligned with our cause but simply want power over us
  • Satan’s point in making abortion so terrible and huge has been to distract us from our true task?

Monday, January 20, 2020

What a tool.

When is a tool not a tool anymore?

When it’s a god.  Or maybe just our means to remain god.

There are many ways to obtain the emotional state of control, of security, of what we might call ‘freedom’.  All of them are forms of power.  Money can give us power.  Influence can give us power.  Education, knowledge are routes to power and control over one’s own destiny.  A path to avoid that which we’d like to avoid and have that which we’d like to have.  Or keep what we think of as ours.  To avoid the consequences of our actions or simply not have to bow to another’s demands.

Safety.  Security.  If necessary, isolation.  Hiding.  Speed, if you can’t catch me, you can’t make me do what you want and more importantly, what i don’t want.  Freedom of choice.  Power.  Violence is a way of maintaining control.  The threat of violence.  Make them more afraid of you than you are of them.  No one can tell me what to do anymore.  i have power.  The power to reach out and harm those who would harm me, those who would control me, those who would place me in their power and make me their victim, their servant, their slave.  No one can tell me what to do.  i have the power over life and death.  

Even my own.

i am god of me.

But what if someone threatened the means to my power?  The source of my security?  What if someone told me i was no longer god, but i had to turn in my lightning bolts, my security, my sanctuary, my source of power and join the mortals below?  The sheep?  The victims?  The slaves?

Fear returns.  Anger lashes out because something made us afraid again.

For that is what the tool has become, that is what our godhood is about, we want freedom…freedom from fear.  The irony being that we never actually attain it.  Only the illusion.  We are actually more afraid than ever.  More anxious than ever.  More angry than ever.  Less free, for we become the tool’s slave.  The fear’s slave.  For when we demanded freedom from the true God Almighty so we could be gods ourselves, that is what we inherited: fear, for we are such puny gods.

But only listen and i shall point you to a better way, maybe not less fear but the right and in the end, the only rational kind…Luke 12