Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Mary and Joe's Tears
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
typical day at the station
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Bullet holes along Ramble Road
- Bullet list!
- When did hunters go from the predominant species in Pennslobovia to a freakish curiosity that mothers bring their children outside to see?
- Relatedly, is our move as a civilization towards pacifism, anti-gun, anti-hunter, anti-fisherman a step towards perfection, presuming that Adam and Eve felt no need to kill, or a step towards feminization and are we losing something vitally masculine?
- Speaking of emasculation, you're scared now aren't you? Where's he going to go with this? If i even see the word 'knife' i am out of here! Fear not, hapless reader, i am feeling more metaphysical than that. What i was going to say before i wandered down Ramble Road again, was that i really wish i had the gift of decisiveness. i can never decide if my inaction is the result of a holy waiting on the Lord or a frightened staying of the course in order to avoid the consequences of stepping out.
- i think that's why i like Post-apocalyptic stories. In my mind, the subterfuge and lies of civilization have been stripped away and life gets boiled down to a basic level of survival again.
- In that vein, read the Road by Cormac McCarthy recently. Loved it. Man's a poet. Disturbing, but great.
- And that's what makes me wonder... if life really was boiled down, stripped bare, hardened, would i still think it was so great? When daily decisions have life or death consequences, when dinner isn't a question of what box to nuke but will we find something to eat if we travel in this direction or will we end up something to eat? Would i long for these days when my direction is decided for me?
- Not that that makes strapping the workboots back on today for another nine or ten hours of mindless, friendless, rewardless labor any easier.
- The key is to remember that it's not hopeless.
- No really, it isn't.
- Honest.
- i hope.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thank God for Spring
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Forgotten's Lament
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Despair is muy macho.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Humble Pie Anyone?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Stray bullet
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Lament of Everything explained
17 To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat of it,'
"Cursed is the ground because of you;
through painful toil you will eat of it
all the days of your life.
18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
and you will eat the plants of the field.
19 By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return."
And i wonder and write laments about how hard it is to just eke out a living. Silly fricken.
One mississippi, two mississippi...
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Open a window
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Lament of Everything (apologies for the profanities)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
simpler to be cynical
Friday, August 15, 2008
Let it be
Monday, August 11, 2008
Loons to Gulls
- the Ballyhoo gang don't like to touch fish
- if the nice young man at the front desk shows you a menu BEFORE showing you the dining room, he is probably trying to find a polite way of saying you walked into the wrong, damn restaurant. They're not being snooty, they're being kind, you won't enjoy the atmosphere any more than the regular patrons will downwind of your fishy hide.
- seventies architecture is poop. Block and poured concrete may be 'modern' and 'functional' but as soon as the paint starts to peel those spiffy hotels just start looking like government sponsored low-income tenements.
- Russians seem amused and pleasantly surprised when you thank them in their native language, Latinos less so and Canuckleheads just give you a pained expression of long suffering. They've dealt with Yanks before, eh.
- i don't know why everyone's so concerned with self-esteem, just go to the beach and look at the swim suits, there isn't much of a self-esteem problem near as i can tell. i'd have to say we need to start ridiculing people a little more.
- that if the Ballyhoo gang don't have a television or a video game they go into this eerie state of hibernation. They must do this in order to survive the drought of mindless entertainment. Their bodies seem to relax and they read a lot. In one instance, i saw one of them drawing! Must do more research.
- that i'd actually forgot how many stars there are
- night fishing, while profitable, is a whole nother endeavor entirely.
- it's also creepy
- that i don't love people the way God loves people. i'm actually suffering from a nightmare where i get to heaven and its a lot like the line at an amusement park with noise and lights and humanity in all its inhuman variations, dropping litter on the floor and not caring and screaming, spoiled kids and noise and lights and cigarette smoke and stomach aches and so on ad nauseum. And God says something to me like, "if you can't love these, then you don't love Me."
- that i really wish the kingdom of God was the beautiful scenery He made for us and not so much the people he put in it. i find that a little easier to enjoy. No offense, humanity.
- that i have a great family!
- that apparently my enchilladas beat Dos Locos' enchilladas. Still a great place to eat though.
- that i will never go to the beach again without packing a sweatsuit.
- and a coat.
- and maybe wool socks.
- fish like to have their bellies rubbed
- a lot!
- it's gross
- i don't recommend it
- that i need more sleep
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
God's talking, is anybody listening?
Monday, July 07, 2008
Your grace is enough
Monday, June 30, 2008
Are you kidding me??
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Sorry, more poetry
Twas blind but now i see...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Approaching your exit
Monday, June 23, 2008
A bag, a bike and a bedroll
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Wow! Two posts in one day!
When Resperignis grew old, he set his sons, Deorex and Matt, up as viceroys. But they did not follow the path he had set for them. Their favor was for sale.
So the clan fathers came to Resperignis and said, “You’re as good as dead and your sons suck. Give us a king like all the Barbarians have.”
But when they said, “Give us a king,” Resperignis knew this was not wise. He took flight to speak with the Royal Family. And the Fire said, “It’s okay, Resperignis. It is not you they have turned their backs on, but Me. They no longer want Me for their Father, not that they ever have. No matter what I do for them, they would rather be orphans. So give them what they want but warn them what earthly fathers are like.”
So Resperignis told the Royal children everything that their Father had said. He said, “If I appoint a king for you from among you he will lord it over you. He will forget you are brothers and treat you like slaves, not as his children. He will use you for his own purposes. He will not love you; he will not take care of you. And when he takes all you have worked for, including your sons and daughters, you will beg the Royal Family to save you but He will not.”
But the Royal children said, “Ah, Baloney! When we have a king it’ll be great! He’ll do everything for us.”
So Resperignis sighed and went back before the true King and told Him all that the morons had said and the Fire told him, “Don’t sweat it, go and do what they ask.”
So Resperignis said to the Royal children, “fine, whatever.”
Friday, June 20, 2008
Got Pablo?
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Little Ditty Bout Jake and Dionne
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Jumping the tracks.
- Eating out is getting to be a bad habit. Time to pull out the crockpot.
- Planning meals, now that i think about it, was a very time consuming process. One that ate even more into my writing time. Lessee, eat well as constipated writer or write well with triple bypass, these are my choices.
- Hey, lookit that! Two cars that were connected.
- Recently, i tried to reopen lines of communication with some folk. Worked for as long as i wrote them. When i stopped, they stopped. Draw your own conclusions.
- i bleeding hate stink bugs! Chitinous little nightmares sent to cloud my mind.
- Had four days off: Day one: Prepare for Party, Day two: Prepare for Party, Day three: Party, Day four: sleep off effects of days one through three.
- We're getting old, almost said odd, not sure that wouldn't have been correct too. Anyway, today's signpost of time's inevitability: our parties consistently end before ten o'clock now and everyone's able to drive home.
- It's raining. Again. I have nothing but outside work. Again.
- My eldest is apparently unable to self motivate at school. Dangling carrots, breaking the rod over his back, looks like i have to do something. But and this is a problem i seem to be facing all over the place these days, how do you help someone change their own character flaws? Shield them from the consequences, yeah, i've seen that done. Not usually to the subject's moral improvement. But actually change them?
- Mynk's birthday was this weekend. i'm pretty darn sure that everything else going on stomped that. i'm also pretty darn sure that was my fault.
- My family has a history of not doing birthdays well.
- Not doing birthday's well...
- Freaking stink bugs are flipping scourge!!!!
- ...is indicative of a larger, more serious problem, i think.
- Time's up.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
The downtime between victories
- First degree losing is to just be beaten. You didn't really have a chance to win, you were out matched, out played and not really fit to tie the other guy's gloves but you stood in there and took your drubbing and there's pride in that. Perverse pride but a gap toothed grin over a beer is still a good beer.
- Second degree losing is harder to take. Second degree losing is what good rivalries are made of. Two equal opponents slugging it out and never really gaining ground. It's anybody's guess who will win each time these two come together and they can't come together often enough and they can't wish any harder to never meet again. Second degree losing is the sharpening stone for a good team, they test their mettle and found it not quite up to Ginsu standard. But there's next time. Slightly more whiskey and bitter but still a good beer.
- Third degree losing, is not losing at all. It is when a victory that was rightfully yours is taken from you and given to an undeserving foe. Third degree losing is a betrayal. You are made to feel the anguish and responsibility of someone else's hideously poor or immoral decision making. This is not a good beer. This is not beer at all. This is oxycodone and murderous thoughts of revenge.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Eli's first cloud
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
A silly li'l sonnet
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Through clenched teeth
Monday, March 17, 2008
The Temple of Me
Monday, March 10, 2008
What to say? What to say?
How to say that without sounding like a high school guidance counselor? That it doesn’t sound like oatmeal with too much sugar on it to make up for the irrepressible fact that it’s oatmeal. When everyone is special then nobody is. How to believe that you are essential when life seems to be saying the opposite? How to forgo the fake pleasures of this life and not pursue the empty treasures when the real ones are so much easier to obtain?
That’s not something you say, so much, as hug.
the Opportune Moment
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Spit in the Eye
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
the Revelation
But when it came to my occupation I couldn’t see that. Not until this week. I had been complaining to God that I didn’t have the right occupation. That I was misplaced, overworked, underused for the kingdom. When in fact I was missing a very alarming point.
A long time ago, there was a comic strip called Arlo and Janis. Arlo is shown working at his computer in his little office when all of a sudden he gets this revelation. He jumps up, runs out into the main floor and yells at his coworkers, “They lied to us! These aren’t careers! They’re jobs!”
Arlo is right! You’re occupation is not what it says on your tax forms, apologies to my wife, the tax pro. You are Christians! You are disciples of Christ, the Son of God. You are His representatives to a fallen world. You are here to show everyone you meet how much God loves them! God has given us jobs to do while we’re here, yeah, but that’s not our career, that’s not the path of success we follow. Serve your coworkers, wash feet, pray for everyone you meet and demonstrate how much Christ loves them by loving them. No matter how unlovable, no matter where God puts you to do that, that is your occupation. I know, it's not much of a revelation but it was exactly what i've needed to know.